Elizabeth Velasco is too extreme for colorado

In just two years, Elizabeth Velasco has introduced some of the most extreme and damaging legislation in Colorado’s history. Representing House District 57, including Glenwood Springs, she has demonstrated a stark misalignment with the needs and values of her constituents.

Her tenure is defined by perilous policies that have endangered her community. It is imperative to vote her out to avert the further impact of her radical agenda, which threatens irreversible harm.

Voted Against Felony Charges for Indecent Exposure to a Child

As a State Representative, Elizabeth Velasco voted against bipartisan legislation that would have classified indecent exposure to children under 15 by adults four years their senior as a class 6 felony.
Despite bipartisan support for this measure, Velasco’s vote effectively sided with protecting sex offenders over safeguarding children.

* HB23-1135
* Colorado Springs Gazette: “Placing the perpetrator above the victim

Voted to Release Undocumented Immigrants Who Commit Crimes

Elizabeth Velasco co-sponsored a bill that prevents local law enforcement from detaining undocumented immigrants arrested for illegal activities, leading to their routine release back into the community without any tracking of their criminal histories.

This policy has consistently allowed dangerous criminals to evade justice and compromise public safety, effectively placing bureaucratic priorities above the welfare of the community.

Voted To Ban Women's Self Defense Handguns

Elizabeth Velasco voted for extreme legislation that would have banned nearly 60% of handguns commonly used by women for self-defense, leaving vulnerable women and abuse victims without critical protection. Her support for this bill shows a clear disregard for their safety and a pattern of choosing to protect perpetrators.

The bill also sought to ban nearly 90% of shotguns used by hunters, a move that would have deeply impacted those who rely on hunting to feed their families. Velasco’s support for these drastic measures highlights just how disconnected she is from the needs and values of her constituents.

Voted to Put Drug Injection Sites In Glenwood Springs

Elizabeth Velasco co-sponsored a bill to introduce high-risk legal drug injection sites in Colorado Springs, similar to those in cities like San Francisco, which are known to adversely affect local neighborhoods, attract crime, and encourage drug use among youth.

This bill was ultimately defeated as both Democrats and Republicans united in opposition to Velasco’s agenda.

Voted to cut your TABOR refunds by 85%

In 2022, Coloradans enjoyed “Colorado Cashback” TABOR refund checks, and in 2023 and 2024, amidst rampant inflation, they received $800 at tax time. However, these refunds are set to be drastically cut by more than 85% due to legislation co-sponsored by Elizabeth Velasco, redirecting these funds towards her preferred initiatives.

voted against government Transparency

As a Colorado State Representative, Elizabeth Velasco voted for a measure that would enable government officials to restrict public access to records currently available under the Colorado Open Records Act, compelling citizens to undertake expensive legal action to access information, even if it directly concerns them.

Additionally, Velasco supported a provision to exempt elite media outlets from this restrictive policy, creating a double standard that favors certain privileged groups over the general public.

Voted to Force Private Property Owners to Sell to Government First

Elizabeth Velasco co-sponsored a bill that mandates local governments get the first opportunity to purchase any privately-owned multi-family buildings in the state. This legislation allows the government to preemptively make offers on both affordably priced and market-rate apartments, relegating ordinary citizens to a secondary position in the property market.

Are you in House District 57?

Colorado House District 57 includes the counties of Garfield, Moffat, and Rio Blanco counties. Key towns in the district include:

  • Glenwood Springs
  • Rifle
  • Parachute
  • New Castle
  • Silt
  • Meeker
  • Craig
  • Battlement Mesa
  • Dinosaur

Use our interactive map to find out if you are in HD57.